Full Name: Robert John Downey Jr. Occupation: Robert is a very talented man who has 5 perfesions he excells at. Those are: actor, musician, composer, writer, and artist Date of Birth: April 4, 1965 at approx. 1:10pm Siblings:1-sister-Allyson(18 months older) Place of Birth: New York, N.Y., USA Height: 5'8 Father: Robert Downey(who is a screenwriter & director. He directed a couple of RDJr;s movies); mother: Elsie Ford (actress); ex-wife: Deborah Falconer; Children:1 boy-Indio Education: Completed G.E.D. Film Debut: "Pound" 1970. Favorite Actors: Peter O'Toole, John Malkovich, Additional Facts- *Attended Santa Monica Highschool, didnt graduate at the time, but now has. *He was in the cast of SNL for the 85-86 season and hosted SNL in 1996 *Meet Sarah Jessica Parker on the set of "First Born" and went out with her for 7 years *Son Indio was born in September of 1993 *Married (now ex) wife after dating for 6 weeks *This has nothing to do with RDJ, but there is a city in California called Downey. Fan Mail: Robert Downey Jr. International Creative Management c/o Mr. Nick Styne 8942 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, CA 90211